Columbus and Genocidal Assault


Native American Indians have been under genocidal assault by immigrants since they got here. European immigrants saw what they thought of as wild, untouched, fertile land that was scarce in their countries. In fact, we Indians had been here for millenia and had civilizations that had risen and fallen because that way of life is unsustainable, and we lived happily and healthy. That changed quickly with the arrival of the first immigrants.

First contact has Columbus (I hate even mentioning his evil name) writing in his journal about the Taino People and how healthy and good-looking they were. He and his evil crew then proceeded to enslave them and decimate their entire population for gold. Later Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock and were saved by Indians from starvation and death. The Pilgrims brought nothing but their racist beliefs and diseases that we had no natural immunity to.

Blankets infected with smallpox were given to Indians as gifts. Entire Nations perished because there was no cure and were wiped out by the Pilgrims and the immigrnts who followed after them. We have been murdered outright and been subjected to biological, chemical and mental means to annihilate us. Yet we never gave up. We are still here.

We Indians had sickness and old age symptoms but not the multiple viruses and diseases that were used as warfare by the immigrants. Our people were wise and skilled in natural medicines and remedies. Those plants were put here by Creator for our use and are still used today. However, Big Pharma has taken over and is medicating our entire American population into zombies.

I have a lot of physical issues that I seek help for, and for which there are a lot of pills. I also suffer depression and anxiety and see a therapist, and there’s also pills for that. When I go to my appointments there are always many people who are patients and those who work in the health care industry. I say industry because that’s what it is. Don’t get me wrong, I admire people who choose a profession that helps people.

My issue is that the American health care industry profits from our illnesses, and have lobbyists in Washington D.C. that buy congress to ensure it stays that way. In short, corporations are making money off of our health crises. And if one cannot pay, too bad. Or you go into debt for the rest of your life. I believe the reason cannabis is outlawed is that it can cure cancer and other multitudes of ailments. You see, the US Gov can’t regulate it and make money off it, but that is slowly changing.

However, there are more critical health issues in Indian Country. Ask yourself how and why so many destructive drugs are infiltrating our reservations. Chemical warfare. I personally don’t know anyone who has not been affected by the heroin, methamphetamine and opioid deaths in our community. In my former job as Graves Registrar I met with family members who suffered great losses due to overdoses and chronic drug use.

Suicide is also an epidemic in Indian County. I cry and rage about it yet I understand the hopeless feeling that one sometimes experiences in life. I feel this is another genocidal tactic that sucks the soul out of us.

Oppression takes us down a dark road into depression and sickness of spirit. To you I say you are needed, and seeking help is the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Please just do it.

The good news is there is help out there. And there are many success stories, like my friend Christopher Shabaiash who dealt with addiction to opioid pills. He struggled daily with it and eventually went to a methadone clinic to ease the withdrawl symptoms. After the birth of his third child he realized it was no way to live, and is drug free now with zero need  to do it again. (Chirstopher, chii miigwech for sharing your story with me, I’m very happy you are now well.)

We Indians face more challenges for staying healthy than any other ethnic group in this country. Yet, I see many more positive changes if we have access to good health care. I know there any many Indians who live in remote areas that need help desperately and I hope this vital issue will continue to be addressed.

o all my readers I wish you well and good health. We have to be responsible for our own well-being. Love Yooz!