Nov Its Aint Easy


Native Business. Tch! Most Indians think everybody’s business IS their business. I think it has a lot to do with us having our land stolen from us from under our moccasins like WHOOP!!! Then having a white person snarkily asking us what are we still doing here? So when people act all sketchy our natural reaction is to think ‘they’ are still scheming to take what tiny lands and rights we have left to us, because they are. The thousands of business deals called treaties didn’t go very well for us Indians just in case you hadn’t heard.

Yeah, about those treaties now that you mention it…I, for one, am really angry we did not include damage deposit, first and last month’s rent, and a no invasive species clause. All that would translate into trillions of dollars and what would hurt the European descendants the most because money is what they worship.

For European immigrant descendants money is the force that drives all intent. Everything including lives lost has a monetary value; however, businesses that lose revenue because of natural or man-made disasters are seen as the real sufferers. When the news comes on in America the TV hosts’ eyes widen with horror at the cost of any loss to a major company, for instance Wal-Mart, Con-Agra, the Banking Corporations – you name it. This while the Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 nationally-I make barely above that and am in fact living in poverty. Our veterans go hungry and homeless and the elderly and children are suffering in 4th World conditions.

I ask “where are your priorities America?” The answer is clear. There are no concerns for humanity, only money and how much one can acquire in the shortest amount of time, no matter what or whom one has to kill in the process. One of the saddest things I’ve read is a silly young woman who wants to turn herself into a ‘brand’. Really? Americans need to get over their obsession with celebritys– it’s pathetic.

*Tapping fingers* Now…what will I do with all my share of the trillions that are owed for back rent and extreme violation of the lease contract? Hmmm. I would begin by hiring people to clean up the disgusting mess they inflicted on our environment which was unspoiled before they got here. Find a way to dismantle nuclear reactors and install solar everything. Next, organize and invest in small local organic farms that have minimal domestic animal space. Hey, I like goat cheese, okay?

Then using my trillion, I will build schools that don’t teach the lies as truth about the founding of Turtle Island; that have healthy programs and foods. I would build homes for those in need and weed out the greedy callous legislators and…aw heck I’ll get rid of them completely. Talk about useless as bloated wood ticks.

So, sounds like a good business plan? I think so but until they pay up there are other things we can do to help Natives in the Biz. I would look on the internet for the real Native-owned businesses, but you can do that on your own. I implore that if you are looking for authentic items, whatever it may be – foods, art, clothing – those are available and you can be proud that they are made by Real Indians!!! Yes!!!

I learned how to bead some years ago, before that I was astonished at the price of a pair of earrings. When I made my own beadwork, literally putting on one tiny bead at a time, I understood the time and skill that was invested into each piece. When I was a museum curator I saw pieces of breath-taking beadwork in Bandolier Bags, Regalia, and I still am beyond impressed by current works; out West even the horses wear regalia!

Still I must remind you that there is way more than beads and buckskin to our culture. I am personally acquainted with many Native Artists; painters, musicians, writers, actors, photographers, graphic artists, comedians and farmers, hunters and gatherers; those who carry on our seasonal way of life. I worship those people for their creativity, their dedication and spirituality that resonate in everything they do.

I feel that these People are the Ones who carry on our purpose, the one that our Ancestors gave to this world a deep knowledge of Astronomy, Geology, Mathematics, one-third of the foods we eat today, Medicines and Arts.

So when you go to purchase items from Native-owned businesses, know that you are contributing to the future wellness of people who have already given so much.