Letter to the Editor: Former SPPS Indian Education Supervisors speaks out


To the editor

I am writing concerned about the

article on June 19 entitled, “American Indian parents demand

changes in St. Paul School programs. It seems to me that the article

was written with information from one source and that information was

not checked for accuracy. As the former supervisor of the Indian

Education program I have listed the inaccuracies that I am aware of

and the documentary source to check them out.

Angie Thorn hill’s

comment on “the JOM board is a governing body, where parents decide

how Indian Education funding can be spend.” The JOM committee only

is a governing body of the JOM funding and JOM program, which in

2012/2013 was approximately $24,000 of the full Indian Education


Documentation: Margaret Vanderhoff,

accountant at SPPS for budget figures. The contact person for JOM

funding and guidelines is Billie Annette.

Angel Thornhill comment

on “ Grants have not been in compliance for some time.” All

grants have been in compliance which SPPS yearly Federal audits can

support (St. Paul Public Schools can speak to this). SPPS has never

received a non-compliance letter from any funders in my 13 years as a

supervisor. In fact in our SFTF, Chemical Prevention (DHS) grant we

were asked to speak at their conferences since they viewed the

program as one of their exemplary programs. In addition, in 2013 the

JOM program received an award for being the exemplary JOM program

across the state, in which Angie, the JOM parent committee member and

I accepted.

Another inaccuracy, “WhiteShield

found was that some positions weren’t in line with any of the

grants. They were piecemealed together.” As grants ran out of

funding to support a staff, new grants were sought to offset the

staff program. So, some staff were paid out of two or more funding

streams. All staff during my tenure only did the work according to

each grant and signed off as such with SPPS time and efforts as proof

that they were spending their time on the grants into which they were

assigned. We also each year shared a full budget and staff FTE with

the parent committee and with the community in the yearly public


Documentation: Budget shared are filed

within the IE files and Gail Lamson, business clerk

Time and Effort of Indian Education is

filed with the SPPS office.

As far as evaluation of the program,

each year a public hearing was held and documented. In my tenure two

strategic plans took place in which parent committee, staff, parent

and students all were in focus groups in developing it (we have all

the document of this in the files/ they were funded by Otto Bremmer).

We also did a yearly parent and student survey every three years

Documentation: Indian Education Files

(Gail Lamson, Business Clerk), Kim Vanderwall was the individual

consultant in charge of the plans. All public hearing are on file

within the Indian Education office (also within the JOM office

above). Parent and student surveys are on file within the Indian

Education office.

“Thornhill was impressed … WhiteShield

wanted to partner with different people in the community.” Indian

Education has always partnered with all AI agencies within the

community. If you go back to all our newsletter (which they have in

their files and I have copies) we would list all of our partners

within each newsletter. In fact we collaborated so widely at times it

was hard to know what services we provided and what other agencies

were in charge of, which speaks to the “heart” of true


Documentation: Indian Education past


Nicole Other Medicine states, “two

social worker and one counselor position had been eliminated.” My

understanding is that an EA, a Parent Intervention Specialist and a

Lead Teacher (licensed as an AI culture and language teacher with the

state) were let go due to reorganization. The Indian Education

Counselor took advantage of reassignment herself and the Chemical

Prevention Worker retired.

I am appalled that an article with so

many inaccuracies was written by your paper and that time is not

taken to check out what individuals are staying. These inaccuracies

could possibly hurt the future Indian Education Program for

competitive funding.

Kathy Denman Wilke