Boarding School Era


During the late 1800’s the Native American people were taken away from their homes and sent to boarding schools.  This was very dramatical.  They were taken by the white people.  The white people didn’t want them to be native anymore, they wanted them to be white, to dehumanize them.

The Native American people have to be very courageous.  One of the ways they had to be courageous was that “the enemy” inbreeded many diseases, like small pox, influenza, and tuberculoses.  Native people also suffered from diabetes, heart disease and alcoholism.  This taught the Native American in this time that they had to be courageous to keep their people going on through these rough times.  Theses diseases killed a lot of our people but they knew that if they had hope and prayed, it would all be over soon and that they would return home.   

Another reason why the Native American people were courageous was that they didn’t have any jobs.  So that meant that they no money.  The ancestors were suffering greatly from losing loved ones and trying to fight all the awful diseases that were destroying our people and nation.  All of this had taught and gave our people courage.  We had to fight for our beliefs and to never give up on who and what we are.  This will never be forgotten but it is something that we all can look back on and see how strong we Native American people are.