New Native writers competition


Ankorage, AK. –

The Alaska Federation of Natives is launching a national initiative. Native

Insight: Thoughts on Recession, Recovery & Opportunity is a writing

competition created to tap the wisdom and ingenuity of Native communities, and

to encourage Native thinkers to go public with their perspectives on the

challenges and opportunities in the current economic and political landscape.


“The Native

Insight Competition originated with a surprise announcement during the 2008 AFN

Convention,” said AFN President Julie Kitka, “A great friend of Alaska invited

members of the Native community to share their fresh ideas about the challenges

and opportunities of the current economic climate in writing – and he

volunteered thousands of his own hard-earned dollars to seed the pool of award



When the

competition winners are announced in October, $60,000 will be distributed among

three Alaska Native winners and three Native Hawaiian/ Lower 48 winners, with

opportunities for their winning essays to be published in Native journals and

magazines across the U.S.


AFN is

partnering with the National Congress of American Indians and the Council for

Native Hawaiian Advancement to reach Native communities across the nation.

“Native communities have a wealth of knowledge and experience from engaging in

commerce and trade over thousands of years.” said Robin Puanani Danner, CNHA

president and CEO. “The Native Insight competition is a dynamic platform that

allows the ingenuity of our people to be shared.”


The competition

is open to Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and American Indians of all ages.

500-1,600 word essays are due Sept. 15. Essays must address one or more of

three writing prompts focused on how the Native community can support economic

renewal, what it will take for the American economy to rebound, and what the

American leadership can do to jumpstart recovery.


For more

information on the Native Insight: Thoughts on Recession, Recovery &

Opportunity, contact the Alaska Federation of Natives at 907-274-3611, or by

email at: