Peter Matthiesson, Author of "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" Passes On


laduke-passing on-peter matthiessen 2.jpg“… For all those who honor and

defend those people who still seek in the wisdom of the Indian way…”,

Peter Mattheisson,

from the dedication of In the Spirit of Crazy Horse.

He was a writer among

writers, up to the last. Peter Mattheisson lived in an era of grand

adventure writers, storytelling in words, and lived it well. I

remember thinking that with our times together, walking, talking and

watching him in his craft. I knew him as a friend, and loved him as a

courageous and gifted man. He died April 5, after a gifted

life. As a young writer, I admired his style and his agility. The

word and the story is what he loved, a careful art, trampled often by

todays’ era of tweeting and sensational journalism. The art,

however still remains.

As a Native woman I

appreciated his courage,that he came from immense privilege and had

the heart, resources and tenacity to tell stories in a way, that only

he could tell and that he loved our community. He was a man who could

write about nature, and nuance of description, perhaps better than

any other. He wrote 33 books and is the only writer to have won the

National Book Award three times.

I remember Peter from l980, when he had

come to Indian Country, in this case, first in the Navajo Nation,

where I was working on uranium mining expansion proposals, in the

midst of an arid land, already faced with groundwater contamination,

and a way of life challenged by health issues of radiation

contamination and an economic poverty forced upon a self sufficient

people. He drove a rental car and I talked, taking him from house to

sacred mountain, and elder to elder. He was an apt listener,

crystalizing the essence and chronicling the stories. Then it was

that he came to South Dakota, a place which would move him and a

story which would catapult an environmental writer into a national


Indian Country, a travel journal of

sorts through the heart of Native communities would be published in

1980, but it was “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,” the story of the

corruption, the U.S. political and military invasion of Pine Ridge

(so called reign of terror on Pine Ridge reservation) and the Leonard

Peltier case (trials were held in Fargo) that would draw the most


That book won him respect in Native

communities and a 10 year legal battle. The book, is perhaps the most

complete story (in Mattheisson’s style) of a political and social

history of Lakota people and the COINTELPRO era, of conflict between

Lakota resistance, and the state’s institutions of the FBI, the

Paramilitary and, what was to become an all out battle for Native

people. It’s a masterful chronicle, written by someone who

initially very little (or what dribbles an American education can

provide you) on Native history and current events. The book’s

social and political weight, written by such a renowned author,

brought immense wrath upon Peter, and he withstood it for a decade.

Just after the

publication of “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,” Matttheisson and

his publisher Viking Penguin were sued for libel by David Price, a

former FBI agent. A separate suit was filed by William Janklow, the

former governor of South Dakota, who was renowned for his dislike of

Indian people and the book illuminated that. David Price sued for $49

million and Janklow sued to have all copies of the book withdrawn

from bookstores. After four years in court, Federal District Judge

Diana Murphy dismissed Price’s lawsuit, upholding Matthiessen’s

right "to publish an entirely one-sided view of people and


In the Janklow case, a South Dakota

court also ruled for Matthiessen. Both cases were appealed, and in

l990, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Price’s arguments,

ending his appeal. That same year, the South Dakota Supreme court

dismissed the Janklow case. The paperback edition of the book came

out in l992, almost a decade later. There are very few writers who

could either withstand such legal challenges to first amendment

rights, or to stay loyal to a people and a land.

We belong to this

earth, it does not belong to us; it cares for us, and we must care

for it. If our time on earth is to endure, we must love the earth in

the strong, unsentimental way of traditional peoples, not seeking to

exploit but to live in balance with the natural world. When modern

man has regained his reverence for land and life, then the lost

Paradise, the Golden Age in the race memories of all peoples will

come again, and all men will be ‘in Dios,’ people of God.”

Peter Matthiesson, From Indian
