From the Editor's Desk: Thinking Beyond Our Own Salvation

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Whether by flood, fire or rapture, almost every culture has its own form of eschatology. There seems to be no end in...

Lacrosse Clinics Teach Culture and Engage Community

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Indigenous Lax kicked off its first lacrosse clinic on Feb. 15 with special guest speaker and Edmonton Rush...

Political Matters: Mining in the Penokee Hills

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Mining in the Penokee Hills I’ve devoted several recent “Political Matters” columns to the environmental threat posed by sulfide mining in northeastern Minnesota,...

Fond du Lac Follies

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } C'mere I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time, no wait, that is the wrong story. How about...

It Ain't Easy Being Indian

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Just now as of this writing I confirmed plans to attend the Stop the Wolf Hunt rally in St. Paul, Minn....

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tempus commodo interdum. Phasellus sed ultricies dui, ut consectetur nisi. Fusce adipiscing vulputate arcu, interdum rutrum arcu...

What's New In the Community: February 2014

HONOR THE EARTH GRANTS OVER $120,000 TO INDIGENOUS PROJECTS CALLAWAY, Minn. – Honor the Earth, in collaboration with the Headwaters Fund, the Indigo Girls, Medicine...

Native Business Grows With Values and Guidance

Business continued to grow in the Minneapolis Native American community with the latest class of graduates from the Fall 2013 Plan It! Entrepreneur Training Program on Jan....

Thousands Pack Final Hearing for Proposed PolyMet Mine

Minnesota Public Radio News can be heard on MPR's statewide radio network or online at . The public's last chance to speak in front of hundreds about...

Spotlight On: Charly Etzkorn

Seven year-old Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal citizen Charly Etzkorn sang the National Anthem at the home opener for the Minnesota Swarm lacrosse game on Jan. 19. The...

From the Editor's Desk: Tribal Sovereignty Through Federalism

The concept of tribal sovereignty for the uninitiated can seem like a confusing and mercurial legal arena; and often times, it can be. What may work for...

Native American students find success and free college credits too

Minneapolis South High senior Sean Buehlmann is finding ways to both challenge and reward herself. She is among a growing group of students taking advantage of...

Political Matters: Sulfide mining debated in St. Paul

Sulfide mining debated in St. Paul Hope Flanagan, of Minneapolis, first spoke in Ojibwe when she addressed the large throng in the St. Paul RiverCentre,...

Fond du Lac Follies

Fond du Lac Follies locomoted to Duluth to the television studio for an interview with Barbara Reyelts. This 30-year veteran newswoman (I was 12 when I started,...

It Ain't Easy Being Indian

The easy thing to do is gripe about the horrific Polar Vortex II and how I’ve been huddled in front of my little space heater at...

Serving Those In Need

Celebrating the holidays with family on the reservation is a tradition that's familiar to most Native Americans living in the Twin Cities. For Lorna Her Many Horses,...

Fates of wild rice, mines intertwined in northern Minnesota

Wild rice, the iconic grain that grows across much of the northern half of the state, is at the center of a contentious debate over mining...

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges Looks Forward

After a sound victory in the Nov. 5 election, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges is looking forward to working on her goals for education, building relationships with...

New Year's Round Dance Provokes Arrest and Dissent

What was initially planned as a New Year's Eve celebration round dance on the one-year anniversary of an Idle No More solidarity demonstration turned into confrontation...

Police brutality cause for ballot issue

The Committee For Professional Policing is working to pass an amendment to the Minneapolis City Charter, which would be voted on as a ballot issue in...