March 1,  8,  15,  22,  29 Native Foster Parents Needed! Volunteers of America-MN is looking for skilled parents who appreciate the difficulties of childhood! Youth ages...

It ain’t easy being indian

Four years ago this past month I chopped my hair off with rusty scissors and the result was horribly hilarious. I wrote that I...

Off-Rez Enrollees Fight For Salazar Payments

A group of Standing Rock Sioux Tribal members known as Active Citizens for Tribal Truth (ACTT) are fighting for the equal dispersal of funds...

Family of murder victim still looking for justice

This month marks the third anniversary of the violent assault and murder of Saint Paul resident and Native American community member Richard Vincent Brown...


David W. Anderson inducted into Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame The Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame has inducted David Anderson (Choctaw/ Ojibwe), of Famous Dave's, into...

OPINION:Why "Idle No More" matters

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence enters her third week on a hunger strike outside the Canadian capital building, and thousands of protesters in Los Angeles,...

U.S. Dept. of Interior to spend $1.9 billion on fractionated lands

The U.S. Department of the Interior plans to spend $1.9 billion to clean up decades of mismanagement of Indian land, an effort that likely...

Red Lake shooting survivors travel to Connecticut to support Newtown community

A group of survivors from the 2005 shooting at Red Lake High School traveled to Connecticut in late December to offer support to residents...

Political Matters: Native Issues in the Halls of Government

Idle No More I just got back from the Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis, where an Idle No More flash-mob round dance took place. What...

Fond du Lac Follies

Fond du Lac Follies jetted to Washington D and C.  I went to sign copies of my new book, Rez Salute, in the store...

It ain't easy being indian

Okay! Okay! Okay! You done yet? Quit laughing now. I have a column to write here. So my Alien prediction did not happen...or did...

Commemorating the 38 Dakota warriors during the holidays

Historians say history needs to be learned so as to not repeat mistakes, but also to remember and acknowledge life's evolution. Hopefully we are...


Jan. 4 - 21 Indian Teen Portrait Project Exhibit Come see portraits created by ten metro area American Indian teens. The exhibit is the culmination...

Pink Shawls Help Fight Cancer

The American Indian Cancer Foundation (AICAF) has recently launched the Pink Shawl Project to raise awareness about breast cancer in Indian country. The project...

Minnesota juvenile justice system plagued by racial inequity

Christian Bonner was 14 when St. Paul police first arrested him for fighting in school. "One day I kinda lost it and I went and...


U of MN?Honors Native Women The University of Minnesota's American Indian Student Cultural Center and the Native American Heritage Month Committe held a luncheon to...

OPINION: Moving On: Election 2012 and Some Lessons

We just saw some $6 billion spent on the most expensive election in history. It's a couple of weeks later, and I think I've...

Dakota Commemorative March retraces 150 miles of forced march

On an unseasonably warm November Saturday, participants in the 2012 Dakota Commemorative Walk traveled from their lunch stop at the Treaty Site History Center,...


There is something insidiously ironic about being American Indian during the fall of the 21st century. It all starts with Columbus Day to mark...

Fond du Lac Follies

Mark Charles is the son of a Navajo friend who served in the same grunt outfits as me when we were young Marines. We...