Kaiya Sandy is an aspiring student-athlete pursuing elite senior goals


By Dan Ninham

Kaiya Sandy is a member of the North West Angle Band 33B and she’s a junior at Warroad High School. She is a multi-varsity lettered athlete in hockey, volleyball, golf, and member in band.

Her athletic career highlights include being a member of the three-peat Minnesota Class A hockey state championship teams. This past hockey season, she was named All Section and All State Tournament First Team.

“I plan to hopefully win another state championship for my senior year and continue to play hockey in college,” said Sandy.

“We started off strong at the beginning of the season,” recalled Sandy. “Most of the season we spent finding out what works for us and how we can be successful. We had a January slump where we went on a tough losing streak. Then we managed to shake that off for section and state tournament play and come out with another win.”

“This summer I plan to train in the weight room and try out for the elite league in June,” added Sandy.

“Izzy has been my coach my whole high school career,” said Sandy referring to Warroad HS head varsity hockey coach David Marvin. “He has won five state championships with the Warroad Warriors in 2010, 2011, 2022, 2023, and 2024 seasons. He is the coach that has made me into the player I am today.”

“Kaiya will be returning for her fifth season on our varsity team,” said Coach David Marvin. “She returns as one of our team captains. In the coming season she will lead our team as we chase a record setting fourth consecutive title.”

“Kaiya has a flair for the stage as she plays her best in big games. She’s very coachable and extremely loyal. She’s proud of her Objiwa heritage. She played a key role in our school being allowed to keep our Warrior name when she along with others represented our town at the state capital last summer,” added Coach Marvin.

Warroad HS Band Director Jared Eastvold shared a story about his band member Kaiya. He said, “It’s been great being able to see Kaiya grow and mature. It’s also been fun supporting her and her teammates in their success. I remember how discouraged Kaiya was after her first hockey scrimmage of this season when they had a very tough time against Roseau. Watching them work hard and the joy and elation they had in ‘coming into their own’ by defending their State Title was really great!”

Sandy also plays varsity volleyball. Her coach is Jeremy Culleton. He said, “Kaiya is a highly athletic individual. Kaiya could contend with being a top conference player this upcoming season. Kaiya will be one of our top returning players. She has a great knowledge of the game and an unbelievable competitive spirit. Kaiya has the ability to lead by example. She uses her athletic ability to sometimes inspire others.”

Sandy just finished her varsity golf season. Shalese Snowdon is her golf coach and said, “For next golf season, Kaiya will need to work on her short game and consistency in tee shots. On the golf course, I see determination to perfect shots and competitiveness to play better than her opponents matched up with her in group pairings. I think Kaiya’s will to outplay her opponent is her greatest strength.”

Nationally, interscholastic athletes have been encouraged to be active in more than one specialized sport. Sandy participates in three sports and the extracurricular band. Multi-activities can complement each other and her coaches share the connection.

“I definitely think they complement and build on each other to make a more well-rounded individual,” said Band Director Eastvold. “However, having been in sports and a coach for sports, there are also similarities: they both require discipline to do well, there is a strong team dynamic for both of them, and where it’s important that the individuals build each other up and encourage each other.”

“Hockey and volleyball require skills but agility and aggressive nature can be transferable to each sport,” said Coach Culleton. “Both sports require great teamwork, Kaiya realizes this and I feel she knows of the importance of using her teammates to help reach team and individual goals.”

“Kaiya is a multi-sport athlete who’s excelled in all sports. Her competitive drive from hockey has transferred to the golf course,” said Snowdon.

Kaiya Sandy is on her way to have a focused last summer of training and competing and chasing her senior goals.