It Aint Easy Being Indian – May 2023

photo of ricey wild

By Ricey Wild

“Sometimes it snows in April”…. By Prince. And then it snows and snows and snows…. I s’pose I forgot to make the spring offering because it was too cold out and snowing. Ya, it was me being all selfish in that I don’t go outside much except to get my ENP meal. Even then, I am hesitant to get it given my physical limits and that I don’t want to fall down and have bland food on my face when someone trips over me on the way to rob me.

Yah hah! I’ma go out in a spectacular way, of course. What that is still to be determined. I have a lot of thoughts about my demise but in none do I pass into the ether in bed. There are many scenarios but my favorites are getting run over by a beer truck with ‘Killians’ on the side or winning a jackpot on penny slots. Can one dream, yanno?

No, I’m not talking about leaving here just yet. Some of y’all still have it coming and I will be there however it happens physically or not. One demon from the past actually requested to friend me on FakeBook and I was like, “You’ve done enough damage to me!” Of course I denied his request so there is that. I shut it down and I feel good. Social media is weird and opened an entire new way of hating on people that didn’t exist outside the playground.

Well, back in my Jurassic days I remember having some paint that I used to color the rocks outside Netttleton Elementary above Giichii Gumii (Lake Superior Duluth). I used to think, while living on top of the hill and being in the water that the entire lake was mine. It still is. Ayy!!!

My connection with Giichii Gumii is absolutely personal. If not for Her most of us would not exist here. This planet’s glaciers are melting at a pace that climate change could not have predicted.

My Gramma Rose who has often appeared in my column was tickled when anyone asked her if she was “The Famous Rose” I feel her now and always will until we meet again in a sacred space. Rose, despite hardships, racism, and too many other ‘isms’ maintained through all of that with a sense of humor. One of her stories was that she looked into a glass of a shop and thought to herself, “My! That’s a fat little woman!”

Then she realized it was her being reflected and we always laughed together as if it was told the first time. Oh my, I miss laughing with my Gram. Bless her.

In my case I have a lot of emotional, physical and mental issues that I will not apologize for. Those were inflicted upon me and I am not playing any sort of victim card. I do celebrate all that was meant to bring me down and I’m still here. I win. Just by breathing and laughing; that is power.

On the other paw, I can’t put two of my many slippers together so I wear them mismatched and I don’t care anymore. This is from a woman who had at one point of her life at least 42 pair of shoes and boots. I used to put all of them in racks close to my bed where I could see them and fall asleep happy.

What happened??? Ugh! It was after I moved up to Rezberry. I used to wear my fly-ass city clothes to work and out because that’s what I did. Over the past 20+ years, I’ve gone from Saks Fifth Avenue to jeans and T-shirts. Carrdhart is now the standard version of fly and I laugh. I used to snort at the brand but now? Not so much or I would have to go hunting for hides looking like Game of Thrones and stuff. No wolf hoodies at all. Firm!
During all the years of my column being published people have written to me. Yooz empathize with my being and I have no words to describe how much you mean to me. I have received gifts from people who I now embrace as family. So many to list here but I will and probably cry whilst doing so. Not that I am letting yooz go, nah-ah! Yooz are forever in my heart and I’m keeping you.

To date I’m still waiting for the dandelions to appear but I heard some songbirds outside when I let the dogs out. Yeah, that was me just because I have to unload my most heinous sins. More admissions to come!

I love yooz.