It Ain’t Easy Being Indian – October 2021

photo of ricey wild

by Ricey Wild

Apparently, I am a very interesting person. Especially when I go to the kitchen and stand there wondering why I went in there in the first place. My doggo stalkers show up every time and threaten me with big ole starving puppy eyes, and the cats make it clear in yowls that they need treats and say they have PETA on speed-dial. Yah.

Then I gather the treats so I can safely leave the kitchen without being mauled, never mind what I needed in there. After their booty is dispensed I have a minute to process what I needed? It’ll come to me, soon, or in my dreams.

I know it’s fall now but I still want popsicles.

So in order to cope with this mad world we live in now I am getting therapy to stave off my certain and eventual little white statement coat. It’s all the rage, yanno? I have already been fitted for one. Having a therapist is keeping me as grounded as I am capable of, right now. Yah, that sounds dire but it’s my lifeline. Pretty sure my family, friends and complete strangers are glad I don’t dump on them so much anymore.

This, all the while I am safe, comfortable, well fed and warm. I have my fur-baby entourage who are very loving, and cause me alarm as well. But I digress.

Globally (Really! Think about that!) our worlds have been turned out and upside down because of the pandemic, which is an invisible enemy. The Rezberry Business Committee has proved their care for us, and no deaths from Covid have happened here.

I’m grateful to them all for being so vigilant in protecting our tribal member’s health and well-being. K’den. Yah, also for the stimmy we got. Being all paranoid now I stocked up on essentials and then bought a few pretty things for myself.

The bestest was I’m getting a new bed to rest my poor, old, 90-year old, Styrofoam bones upon! I also got new bedding, satin sheets, comforter and body pillow, all black. Now that I’m thinking about it, I may also purchase a mini-fridge next to my bed as a night stand. Hello!!!

Now don’t no one be hating! I deserve my comfort in my waning years of peace, at least the peace I can scratch and claw for. There’s always something. *Jaws music theme* Still, every day I pray and give thanks to the Creator for all my gifts and security and those I love.

It is an honor to know so many Indigenous people, some that I’ve known for decades now, who are still fighting the good fight. Marching for good trouble. On September 24 this year they marched in Minneapolis, (that I still feel is my hometown) wearing orange shirts to honor our stolen and murdered children. Dang, I wish I could march too, but shuffling is my best right now. Bless you all for showing up and demanding justice, whatever form it takes, to bring them home.

I honor all of yooz with deep gratitude from my spirit. The children know.

We have all suffered centuries deep from European colonialism and genocide. That is my statement. The word “Resilience” does not even begin to describe our collective Indigenous experience up till now. I include all of the Indigenous people and cultures of this little blue, amazing tiny rock we live with. For us, not ‘on’, with. Pachamama is not putting up with any more abuse and desecration of her gifts and it shows.

Why else is there global climate change and warming? I check the weather every day even though I don’t go outside, and I read and see the effects of catastrophes that didn’t have to happen at all. Yah. And who’s dying? People who are not white in countries that have been pillaged and broken by colonialism. All for what?! Temporary perceived wealth and power, looking out for their own profits and pleasure.

Hey! I have studied the cult members of the American Mythos for many years now that money makes you a better human than all we little peons. If all the billionaires want to shoot off to space, let them. G’wan den. We don’t need their ilk here where actual people live and hopefully, can thrive again.

I will start a GOFUNDME for the pathetic, frivolous, empty-headed so-called celebrities for a ticket to ride. Begone! And never return. We will have new protocols in place should they try to come back here.

For Halloween, my fave white people’s holiday, I wanna go out. For real though! Gonna have to come up with a costume, oh, I dunno…maybe go as a Karen? I have a wig and an attitude when I have to use it.

Kitty Kisses!