It ain't easy being indian

Okay! Okay! Okay! You done yet? Quit laughing now. I have a column to write here. So my Alien prediction did not happen...or did...

Commemorating the 38 Dakota warriors during the holidays

Historians say history needs to be learned so as to not repeat mistakes, but also to remember and acknowledge life's evolution. Hopefully we are...


Jan. 4 - 21 Indian Teen Portrait Project Exhibit Come see portraits created by ten metro area American Indian teens. The exhibit is the culmination...

Pink Shawls Help Fight Cancer

The American Indian Cancer Foundation (AICAF) has recently launched the Pink Shawl Project to raise awareness about breast cancer in Indian country. The project...

Minnesota juvenile justice system plagued by racial inequity

Christian Bonner was 14 when St. Paul police first arrested him for fighting in school. "One day I kinda lost it and I went and...


U of MN?Honors Native Women The University of Minnesota's American Indian Student Cultural Center and the Native American Heritage Month Committe held a luncheon to...

OPINION: Moving On: Election 2012 and Some Lessons

We just saw some $6 billion spent on the most expensive election in history. It's a couple of weeks later, and I think I've...

Dakota Commemorative March retraces 150 miles of forced march

On an unseasonably warm November Saturday, participants in the 2012 Dakota Commemorative Walk traveled from their lunch stop at the Treaty Site History Center,...


There is something insidiously ironic about being American Indian during the fall of the 21st century. It all starts with Columbus Day to mark...

Fond du Lac Follies

Mark Charles is the son of a Navajo friend who served in the same grunt outfits as me when we were young Marines. We...


Dec. 4 Native Authors Breakfast With Heid Erdrich and Brenda Child A Native Authors Breakfast Fundraiser For The Circle. Heid E. Erdrich (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe) is...

It ain’t easy being indian

From the cozy nest on my sofa I watched national and local newscasts in growing horror about Black Friday retail sales. I felt sick....

Controlling Cold Water Springs

Coldwater Spring, an important spiritual, cultural, and historical place to many Dakota, continues to be the site of controversy surrounding Indigenous treaty rights, federal...

Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi (Come In And Rest) opens its...

The American Indian Community Development Corporation (AICDC), in partnership with CommonBond Communities, has completed the Bii Di Gain Dash Anwebi (Come in and rest)...


All Native Musical offers uplifting tour of end of the world New Native Theatre performs the first all Native American musical to In the...

Native voters will experience greater barriers under proposed Voter ID Amendment

On November 6, Minnesotans will have the opportunity to cast their ballots for many important decisions. One decision that is most important to American...

Russell Means – a hero moves on

He was a hero. Make no mistake about it. And, his death in late October, is a great loss to America, not just Indians,...

Political Matters: Native Issues in the Halls of Government

Minnesota's wolf hunt In late October, the hunting and trapping of wolves is underway in Wisconsin; and Minnesota hunters will start shooting wolves on Nov....

Fond du Lac Follies

I was 19 years old.  I had been in the United States Marine Corps for a little over a year. I was a boot....

It ain't easy being indian

This year the ungrateful, murderous pilgrims of yore will not be in my column. Yooz are welcome. Personally I like the Thanksgiving holiday, just...