Community Calendar – November 2024


Immunization clinics
Free walk-in immunization clinics, infants to 18 years.  Nov 23: 11am to 3pm, Brookdale Library, 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Brooklyn Center.  Dec 21: 11am to 3pm, Hosmer Library, #LO2, 347 E 36th St, Minneapolis. For info:

MAIC Events
See what’s happening at the new Mpls American Indian Center! MAIC events listings: Sewing Circle, Running Club, Drum and Dance, Pickup Basketball, Volleyball, Congregate Dining and more. MAIC, 1530 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis.  See website at:

Yéigo Action Grant
The Yéigo Action Grant is an ongoing, initiative designed to  provides support for professional development opportunities or to help overcome challenges. Funding ranges from $100 to $5,000. Deadline: 10th of every month. For info, see: Or email:

Thru Dec 5
“Mní Futurism”
In recognition and celebration of Native American History Month, a two-person exhibition regarding the theme of water is coming to Metro State University’s Gordon Parks Gallery. Artists Jaida Grey Eagle and Abby Sunde examine the reciprocal relationship Indigenous peoples have with water and the responsibility we all have to protect it. Mní is the Dakhóta/Lakhóta/Nakhóta word for water. On exhibit until December 5. UofMN-Saint Paul Campus (First floor of the Library and Learning Center), 645 E Seventh St. For info, contact Erica Rasmussen at

Nov 7 – Jan 18
Niimiwin: Bijiinag igo ingii-azhegiiwe gaa-niimi’iding
Join All My Relations Arts as we present the opening reception of “Niimiwin: Bijiinag igo ingii-azhegiiwe gaa-niimi’iding”, an exhibition that explores the profound relationship between movement and identity within contemporary Indigenous art. This showcase features a diverse array of Minnesota-based Indigenous artists. Featured artists: Adrienne Benjamin, Courtney Cochran, Chanelle Gallagher, Michael Kurtz, Courtney M. Leonard and the Stonebridge Singers. Opening reception: Nov 7th, 6-8pm. For info, see:

Nov 8
Timberwolves Native American Heritage Month
Join us for Native American Heritage Night and watch the Minnesota Timberwolves take on the Portland Trail Blazers. The evening will feature performances by the Prairie Island Indian Community. Proceeds from tickets purchased through this exclusive offer will support NACDI. 8 pm–11pm. Tickets: TIMBERWOLVES.COM/GROUPOFFERS (use code: NACDI2425). For info, contact Marcus McNutt at 612-263-6381.

Nov 9
They Would Not Be Moved
In his new book, They Would Not Be Moved, Bruce White details how an Indigenous community repeatedly stood up for itself and won against overbearing pressures across decades. He opens this essential history with oral traditions of the people at home on the land. He interprets treaty negotiations to outline how each side understood the signed agreements. 2 to 3:30pm at the MN History Center, 345 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul.

Nov 9
Making Our Ancestors Proud
Parenting School Age Children in Today’s World and Cultural Resource Fair. Indigenous food demonstration and meal; Traditional health and wellbeing teachings; From trauma to triumph wisdom; Education and parenting support; American Indian organizations and resources, and American Indian artists and vendors. There will be prize drawings and childcare will be provided. 9:45am to 4pm. American Indian Magnet School, 1075 3rd St E, St Paul.

Nov 9
MMIW Concert and Art Display
Join us for a powerful night of music, art, and remembrance for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women. This event will feature talented artists and musicians coming together to honor and remember those who have been affected by this ongoing crisis. 5 – 9:30pm. Denfeld High School, 401 North 44th Ave W, Duluth, MN.

Nov 11
2024 American Indian Night Keynote
Join us to learn more about American Indian culture, history, and community with our 2024 American Indian Night Keynote, featuring Patty Krawec, author of “Becoming Kin.” The event will feature introductions, keynote speech, Q&A with the author, and a book signing. 3pm to 4:30pm. CSU Ostrander Auditorium, Centennial Student Union Administration, 540 W Rd, Mankato, MN. For info, contact Megan Heutmaker at

Nov 14
Ojibwe Star Wars: A free event open to the community
The iconic galaxy far, far away has been brought closer to Ojibwe speakers. An Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) version of Star Wars: A New Hope has been released in a groundbreaking project that bridges pop culture with Indigenous heritage. The film features alum Aandeg Muldrew and current linguistics PhD candidate Dustin Morrow as the voices of renowned characters Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, respectively. Free and open to the public.and  Q&A with the stars. 6pm – 9pm.  University of Minnesota, Coffman Theater, 300 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis. For info, contact: Nicholas Bimibatoo Mishtadim DeShaw at or 616-283-9093.

Nov 15
NativeRise: Embracing the Current
We will celebrate Native American Heritage Month with a dinner, silent auction, and program highlighting American Indian OIC’s impact and featuring community leaders. Hear from community leaders and be inspired by remarks from Louise Waakaa’igan, a gifted poet and 2016 winner of the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop’s Broadside Competition. 5:30pm is Social Hour. 7pm is dinner and program. Nicollet Island Pavilion, 40 Power St, Minneapolis.

Nov 16-17
Raised Beadwork Workshop with Karen Ann Hoffman
Raised Beadwork is a cultural hallmark of Haudenosaunee reaching back over 10,000 years. Gather with Karen Ann Hoffman for a weekend of Haudenosaunee Raised Beadwork and create a raised beaded pouch. 10am-5pm. Cost $250. 12 – FULL SCHOLARSHIPS for Native Artists & Community. Limited to 18 participants. All materials provided. Lunch & snacks provided. Rosy Simas Danse, Northrup King Bldg, 1500 Jackson St. NE, Studio #331, Minneapolis. Sign up:

Nov 17
MNmicro Cultural Film Festival: Indigenous
The Twin Cities Film Fest will host the MNmicro Cultural Film Festival: Indigenous. Showcases six feature presentations by local filmmakers. All screenings are FREE and open to the public. We’ll have pre-screening red carpet filmmaker interviews, post film discussions and mixer event in celebration. 11 a.m. Registration opens for all films. Marcus West End Cinema at the Shops at West End, 1625 West End Blvd. St. Louis Park. For info or RSVP:

Nov 21 
“Water Fits All”
In conjunction with the We Are Water MN traveling exhibit, Hoċokata Ṫi is excited to host the SMSC’s first-ever fashion show on November 21, from 5-8pm. The show will explore the theme “Water Fits All” and will feature designs from Native artists Bill Brien, Georgina Drapeau, Marlena Myles, Kayla Lookinghorse, and Jocy and Trae Little Sky. The evening will also feature DJ AO appearing as a live DJ and Redwing Thomas as emcee. 5pm – 8pm. The evening will begin at 5pm with a welcome reception, followed by the show at 6:15pm. Preregistration is required to attend this free event.  5pm to 8m. Hoċokata Ṫi, 2300 Tiwahe Cir, Shakopee, MN. Register at:

Nov 21
Reclaiming Identity
Native American Heritage Month acknowledges the many diverse traditions and histories of tribal nations across the country. Join us in celebration through art, film, and tours. DJ Bleak Roses, Demonstration Parfleche by Afton Delgado. Live Performance by Laura Hugo at 6pm and 7pm. Exhibition “O’ Powa O’ Meng: The Art and Legacy of Jody Folwell”.  Guided Tour Arts of Native America, 6pm. Film: Little Chief by Erica Tremblay at 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm, and 8pm. Hosted by the Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2400 Third Ave S, Minneapolis.

Nov 29
Decolonize Thanksgiving 3.0 
Hosted by Fire in the Village, “Decolonize Thanksgiving 3.0” is a special Indigenous concert with a different perspective on the holiday. Annie Humphrey, David Huckfelt and special guests will perform. Event is 21+.  7pm – 11:30pm. Tickets $18 – $23. The Hook and Ladder Theater,  3010 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis  For info, see:

Dec 2-8, 13-15
Blood Quantum Physics
A live audio play performance by Deanna StandingCloud. Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm. Sundays at 2pm. Gremlin Theatre, 550 Vandalia St, #177, St. Paul. For info, see:

Dec 12
MAICC Annual Fundraising Dinner
The Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce’s annual fundraiser dinner will be held from 3:30pm to 9pm.  3:30: Registration, tradeshow and silent auction. 5pm: dinner and awards. Grand Casino Hinckley, 777 Lady Luck Drive, Hinckley. 3:30pm. For info, see: