NEOVEMBER powwow calendar


Nov. 5

Our Children & Returning Adoptees Powwow

A celebration our community’s strengths. As we continue to gather and acknowledge the strengths of our families, we heal from the intergenerational trauma within our extended family systems. MC: Jerry Dearly. Arena Director: Windy Downwind. Host Drum: Oyate Teca. Co-host Drum: Healing Spirit, and  Wisconsin Indian Veterans Association – Oneida Chapter.  A ceremony will be offered to heal the grief caused by separation from family and heritage. Grand Entry at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Feast at 5:30 p.m. Vendors contact Jacque Wilson at 612-940-1627. Free and open to the public. Minneapolis American Indian Center,  1530 E. Franklin Avenue, Mpls. For more info, contact Sandra White Hawk, First Nations Orphan Association at 651-442-4872, or: Or Tina Knafla, Hennepin Co. Children’s’ Mental Health at 612-348-9662 or:


Indian Education powwow

The St. Paul Public Schools Indian Education Traditional powwow is a bi-Monthly winter powwow. Everyone is welcome. Powwow is from 6-8 pm. This is an opportunity for families to sing, dance, socialize and and enjoy our cultural traditions. No smoking on school grounds. Concession stands or booths $10; no candy sales. Children 11 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult or they will not be admitted. Security provided by First Nations Security. Cost: Free and open to the public. Held at the American Indian Magnet, 1075 E. Third St., St. Paul. Info: 651-293-5191.

Nov. 12

AISES Nation Conference Powwow

Join members of the American Indians in Science and Engineering Society (AISES) 33rd National Conference members and the regional Native community in the conference closing powwow. Held at the the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. FMI:?

Nov. 18-20

58th Annual Chicago Powwow

The Chicago Powwow includes food vendors, dancing, and gift stalls. Open from 11 am to 10 pm. Grand Entry at 1 pm and 7 pm. Sunday hours are 10 am to 5 pm. Grand Entry lead by Native Veterans at noon. Held at the Navy Pier Grand Ballroom, 600 E Grand St, Chicago, IL. FMI:?see

Nov. 24-26

Minneapolis Thanksgiving Feast/Powwow

A Thanksgiving feast will be held at noon, with Karoake to follow. Grand entries; Thrus. at 6 pm, Fri. at 1 pm and 6 pm, and Sat. at 1 pm. A.D: Shawnee Hunt. MC:?Dave Larsen and Jim Clairmont. Royalty competitions for Little Miss Minneapolis, Miss Minneapolis, and Brave Minneapolis on Friday night. First ten drums registered and all registered dancers will be paid. Additional drums will recieve honorariums. Free admission, everyone welcome. Vendors call Vonda Cluck at 952-285-2884. The powwow will provide added security this year.