Elders Tobacco Project has elders talking about tobacco

{mosimage} Attention Native smokers: before going out for your next smoke break, be advised that you are likely to be approached by a Native elder...

NMAI's "A Song for the Horse Nation" exhibit is online

{mosimage}The new exhibition explores the unique position of the horse in historic and contemporary Native American culture. The exhibition “A Song for the...

Lawmaker seeks to abolish American Indians as mascots

Legislation proposed by U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (Sixth District, New Jersey) would set up a grant fund to help schools with Native American mascots...

Language-immersion program gets help from law school students

An American Indian language-immersion program is getting a boost from William Mitchell law students, who are helping to get legal permission to translate children’s...

Native Nations respond to climate change threats

Nearly 400 Native leaders, scholars, elders and Tribal College students from across the country, joined by scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Agency...

New Seven Clans Casino Red Lake opens Dec. 23

{mosimage} When turning east off Highway #89 just south of the Red Lake Reservation boundary line, the first thing one sees is a giant...

What's New In Community

Locally Filmed Movie “Come And Get Your Love”wins Award! Nine years after its inception and a little more than one year after its Twin Cities’...

Dakota Land And Tradition

{mosimage}A growing chorus of indigenous cultural leaders agree that the reclamation of traditional lands – including prime real estate in the Twin Cities...

NACDI Symposium focus on light rail’s economic potential for Indians

{mosimage} “We will return to our ceremonies, and we will gain back our strength and our values,” said Justin Kii Huenemann (Navajo), President and CEO...

U.S. Settles Native Indian Trust Fund Suit For $3.4 Billion

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - A 13-year-old lawsuit against the Department of Interior stemming from the mishandling of native Indians' trust fund has been settled by the...

Health Disparities in Indian Country

From wound to memory: Healing emotional trauma with EMDR Many people have experienced emotional trauma as a victim of child abuse, domestic violence, or military...

CD REVIEW: All One Struggle is cultural identity and individual...

Resistant Culture: All One Struggle It’s raining outside but I’m dressed and riding, and I’m out here bumpin’ to the Resistant Culture CD All...

It ain’t easy being indian

Last month I had to run for my life from a burning building carrying two hefty cats in their carriers in my bare feet...

Fond du Lac Follies

Fond du Lac Follies motored to LCO Tribal College in Hayward, Wisconsin. I had been invited there because the Indian Literature class was using...

All My Relations arts program celebrates tenth anniversary

Shirlee Stone’s vision has guided the volunteer and contracted staff since she left in late 2006 and the program has grown as the result of her...

All My Relations arts program celebrates tenth anniversary

All My Relations arts program at Ancient Traders Gallery will celebrate its tenth anniversary by mounting a group show that will serve as a...

Don Coyhis wins $100k prize for White Buffalo program

After marking 31years of sobriety in August, Don Coyhis considered retiring from the nonprofit organization he founded 21 years ago in Colorado Springs, Colorado...

Arvol Looking Horse on the deaths in Sedona

As Keeper of our Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle, I am concerned for the two deaths and illnesses of the many people who...

Native groups oppose Olympics

The anti-Olympics coalition in Canada clearly states its position on the home page of their website (www.no2010.com): “No 2010 Olympics on Stolen Native Land...

Turkish Coalition Sponsors Native American Lecture Tour in Turkey

As part of The Turkish Coalition of America’s (TCA) ongoing efforts to expand educational exchanges between the United States and universities in Turkey, TCA...