Peace and Dignity Journey runners come through Minnesota


runnercover.jpgPeace and Dignity Journeys are spiritual runs that embody the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor. The prophecy mandates that at this time all Indigenous Peoples in the Western Hemisphere shall be reunited in a spiritual way in order to heal our nations so they can begin to work towards a better future for our children and generations to come.

Through the Journeys, participant runners and supporters work to accomplish this goal by helping each other reconnect to their respective spiritual practices and traditions; by helping each other relearn their role in the world as Indigenous Peoples; and by reminding each other of their responsibilities to Mother Earth, Father Sky, our communities, and ourselves.

Peace and Dignity Journeys occur every four years and start with Indigenous runners on opposite ends of the continents at Chickaloon, Alaska and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. They run for six months through hundreds of Indigenous communities where they participate in spiritual practices and traditions; spark dialogue on the issue of peace and dignity for Indigenous Peoples and receive the community’s prayers.

These prayers and converunnersbuilding.jpgrsations are then carried to proceeding communities until the runners reach the center of the hemisphere. When the runners meet at the Kuna Nation in Panama City, Panama, it will symbolize all Indigenous Peoples joining together in a spiritual way to manifest the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor.

The runner came through Minnesota, arriving in Thief River Falls on June 24th, Red Lake on June 26th, Bemidji on June 27th, Round Lake on June 28th, and White Earth on June 29th. The runners have been running for two months, and will continue for five more as part of the 2016 Peace and Dignity Journey.

Each year the runners have a different overall prayer focus. This year’s focus is on seeds. They will meet at the end of the run in Panama City sometime in November.
