What’s new in the community -december 2019


What a year for the MN Native Elder Games elders!

This past year has been another one for the Native Elder Games history books. A 7 person Native Elder team traveled to Mankato, Minn. to compete in the MN Senior Games in August 2018. All 7 team members earned medals and qualified for the Senior Nationals that were held in Albuquerque, New Mexico this past June. Of the 7 team members 6 of us were able to travel to Albuquerque and compete in the 2019 National Senior Games held June 14-25, 2019. Two team members placed in the top 8 of their events.

Then this past August we had an 11 member Elder team compete in the Minnesota Senior Games in St. Cloud, Minn. Our team brought home 29 medals.

The Minnesota Native Elder Games’ project mission addresses physical activity and health education information that promotes activity in Native American elder communities. The MN Native Elder Games welcomes all elders to come and check our activities. Call 612-251-8794 for more information.