Native Youth Perspective

The Circle is committed to presenting a variety of voices, including our youth. Brianna Skildum is currently a sophomore at Roosevelt High School in...

From The Editor's Desk

Covering the news in Minnesota’s Native community is proving an interesting experience, as with any topic in Indian Country, there are universal elements of...

Fond du Lac Follies

The Sobriety Powwow was held in Sawyer at Mashkawisen. It was the 30th something annual event. Once again we set up our Free Coffee For...

POLITICAL MATTERS: Native Issues In The Halls of Government

Gogebic Taconite’s scheme Over the past three years, I’ve been sounding the alarm about the mining juggernaut rolling through the forests of northeastern Minnesota....

It Ain't Easy Being Indian

WHAT I DID THIS SUMMER: For this story I have only to look at my legs to describe what I did this summer. My lower...

The Circle Studio Designs

The Circle Studio Designs "Designing with Native America in Mind" Owned and operated by The Circle WE OFFER GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES, INCLUDING: • Newsletters • Brochures • Posters • Book layout •...

Culture/History Underlies Freedom to Marry

Members of the Minneapolis Two Spirit Society are celebrating along with other LGBT (Lesbian/ Gay/Bisexual/Transgender) Minnesotans and preparing for the state’s Freedom To Marry...

Red Lake encampment battles pipeline on tribal lands

Since 1949, Enbridge Energy has been transporting crude oil through its more than six pipelines from Alberta, Canada through northern Minnesotan reservations and across...


Flanagan Named Executive Director for Children’s Defense Fund Peggy Flanagan, an experienced community organizer, advocate, teacher and trainer, has joined the Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota (CDF-MN)...

Walker's DNR Pushes Tribe Out for Strip Mine

On July 23rd the Iron County Forest Committee in northern Wisconsin voted unanimously to recommend that the Iron County Board pursue criminal and civil...

New Native SMSC scholarship recipients graduate, plan to give back

Although Jason Champagne didn’t grow up on a Native American reservation, he visited relatives on them growing up and saw nutrition was a major...

Tribute to Dr. Charles S. Anderson, Augsburg President Emeritus

I attended Dr. Charles S. Anderson’s funeral a couple of weeks ago and was flooded with memories of our special relationship while I served...

From The Editor's Desk

Hau! Alfred Walking Bull emaciyapi yelo. Cante waste nape ciuzapi yelo. Hello, my name is Alfred Walking Bull. I shake your hand with a...

Fond du Lac Follies

Fond du Lac Follies attended the 20th annual Veterans Powwow held in Sawyer, Minnesota. Once again it was an easy decision where to go...

It Ain't Easy Being Indian

For the past few weeks I had been enjoying a little rest from the usual absurd life I live. I have all I need...

Powwow Calendar AUGUST 2013

Aug. 16 - 18 Mille Lacs Band Traditional Powwow The 47th Annual Mille Lacs Band Traditional Powwow will be held at the Iskigamizigan Powwow Grounds...

Community Calendar August 2013

Aug. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Adventures in Nature: Atlatl The atlatl is an ancient hunting device used by the Native people of the area before...

Nonprofit leader Ron McKinley killed in motorcycle accident

Ron McKinley, a philanthropic leader who campaigned for education for minorities was killed in a road accident July 21. He was 64. McKinley, of...

Militarizing Fossil Fuels and Guarding the Pipeline

Someone needs to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you an activist, and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare...

AICDC Buys Ancient Traders Market

The American Indian Community Development Corporation (AICDC) acquired Ancient Traders Market from its most recent owner, the Twin Cities branch of the Local Initiatives...